Wednesday, 26 July 2017

One Day Workshop on Bio-Medical Waste Management - 13th August 2017, Sunday

TwinTech Academy
Business Management Solutions Pvt Ltd (Regd)
One Day Workshop on
Bio-Medical Waste Management
13th August 2017, Sunday
Venue :
Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD)
Chateau D´Ampa, IVth Floor, No. 37, Nelson Manickam Road,
Chennai 600029, Tamil Nadu (Land Mark : Behind Skywalk)

The granting of 15 CME (Continuing Medical Education) credit points for the workshop by the Centre for Accreditation, The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University, underlines the high status and importance conferred on the event by this prestigious body and would add immense value to the attending delegates including students.


It is a fact that hospital is associated with a kind of divinity. This is because hospitals cure patients and also save lives. However, on the flipside, there are enormous adverse effects arising out of Biomedical Wastes that surrounds every hospital. The awareness about this lurking danger is very low. The quantity of hazardous Biomedical Waste generated by hospitals is huge. This is a serious occupational threat in healthcare establishments as well as to the public. The healthcare workers, environment, the flora and fauna in the vicinity get affected immensely due to the hazard posed by hospital wastes. 

Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) transmitted through transfusion fluids, growing incidence of Hepatitis B, HIV infection, environmental, air and water pollution all contribute increasing health risks to the patients and public. Besides, there is the risk of dangerous gases from incinerators adding to the problems. Therefore, like so many disciplines that call for efficient management control, Biomedical Waste Management should also be considered as a "must" activity in a hospital.

This workshop therefore acquires critical importance in the health delivery as a whole. The objective of this workshop is to provide an opportunity for learning and implementation of the desired practices to manage Biomedical Waste. It further aims to provide useful tips on toxic waste minimization.

Topics to be covered:
  • Biomedical Waste Management in India – Current Scenario
  • Changes in Biomedical waste management rules in 2016 compared to Biomedical waste management rules 2013
  • Importance of Segregation of Biomedical Waste.
  • Treatment and Disposal Technology.
  • Occupational and Public health risks of Hazardous Health Care Wastes.
  • Transportation of Biomedical Waste.
  • Responsibilities of Biomedical waste generation units.

Targeted Participants: This workshop will be useful for the executives from Healthcare Institutions, Executives, Head of Departments, Medical and  Paramedical staff from Private and Government hospitals, Occupational healthcare centers, Clinical & Referral laboratories and Students of Healthcare Management & Allied Healthcare Programs and any stream of healthcare members can participate this workshop.

Speakers: Eminent experts in the field like
Ex Army Medical Corps (Indian Navy),
Occupational Health Physician and Consultant,
Senior Consultant - Public Health, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai
Former project consultant for TNPCB
(Bio-Medical Waste Management Implementation)

Inauguration and Key Note Address by
Dr D.Rambabu
General Manager - Vijaya Group of Hospitals, Chennai
Advisor to TN chapter – Association for Healthcare Providers India Ltd( AHPI)


Includes Refreshments, Lunch, and Reference Material.

Delegate Fee: Rs 2000/-

Bank details for NEFT Transfer
Beneficiary Name
TwinTech Academy Business Management
Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Account No
Bank Name
HDFC Bank, Pattabhiram Branch
Registration form and NEFT Transaction details to be forwarded to:

For Details and Registrations
Mr A.Mahalingam, Organizing Secretary:
TwinTech Academy Business Management
Mobile No: 97104 85295 / 98405 23560
Mail : / web :